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Volume 7(2); Apr 2012
Low-flow anesthesia in children: theory and clinical practice
Kyoung Ok Kim
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):103-109.   Published online May 1, 2012
Case Reports
Pain managements in pancreatic cancer patient with opioid-induced hyperalgesia: A case report
Jung Hyun Park, Dae Hwan Lim, Young Hoon Kim, Keon Hee Ryu, Dong Eon Moon
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):110-113.   Published online May 1, 2012
Pulsed radiofrequency lesioning of the median nerve in a patient with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome: A case report
Il Bong Park, Yu Yil Kim, Jun Hak Lee, Dong Un Song, Jae Wook Song
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):114-116.   Published online May 1, 2012
The effect of pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) for the treatment of supraorbital neuropathic pain: A report of three cases
Hyun Min Bae, Young Hoon Kim, Sang Wook Kim, Dong Eon Moon
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):117-120.   Published online May 1, 2012
Clinical Researchs
Effects of different sample volumes on arterial blood gas and electrolytes testing
Hong Soon Kim, Kyung Cheon Lee, Wol Seon Jung, Young Jin Chang
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):121-124.   Published online May 1, 2012
The effects of sevoflurane and propofol-remifentanil on postoperative hepatic and renal function after laparoscopic and open abdominal surgeries
Won Ji Rhee, So Ron Choi, Ji Hyeon Lee, Sang Yoong Park, Ji Yeon Lee, Chan Jong Chung
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):125-131.   Published online May 1, 2012
EC50 of remifentanil to prevent pain during injection of microemulsion propofol
Sang Hun Kim, Keum Young So, Ki Tae Jung
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):132-135.   Published online May 1, 2012
Analgesia after Cesarean section in preeclampsia parturients receiving magnesium sulfate: a retrospective comparison with non-preeclampsia parturients
Hyo Seok Na, Hyun Bin Kim, Chong Soo Kim, Sang Hwan Do
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):136-141.   Published online May 1, 2012
Application of a high respiratory rate with a low tidal volume during carbon dioxide-pneumoperitoneum in rabbits
Uugangerel Tserendorj, Hye Kyung Lee, Taewan Lim, Jong Min Kim, Jinuk Park, Kook Hyun Lee
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):142-146.   Published online May 1, 2012
Case Reports
Endotracheal intubation using i-gel and a flexible fiber optic bronchoscope: A case report
Hyun Kyoung Lim, Chun Gil Choi, Helen Ki Shinn, Choon Soo Lee, Sung Il Hwang, Seong Muk Lee, Jang Ho Song
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):147-150.   Published online May 1, 2012
Aspiration pneumonitis in achalasia patient treated by per oral endoscopic myotomy: A case report
Joon Woo Choi, Ji Hyang Lee, Eun Ju Kim, Sang Gon Lee, Jong Seouk Ban, Byung Woo Min
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):151-154.   Published online May 1, 2012
An abrupt supraglottic obstruction during the induction of general anesthesia due to a rapid growing laryngeal tumor: A case report
Hae Mi Lee, Byung Hoo Bak, Sae Yeon Kim
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):155-158.   Published online May 1, 2012
Clinical Research
Effects of remifentanil on emergence characteristics from anesthesia in cervical spine surgery: a comparison of remifentanil- and sevoflurane-based anesthesia
Jee Ahn Kim, Kyung Hwa Kwak
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):159-165.   Published online May 1, 2012
Case Reports
Anesthetic management of a patient with Arnold-Chiari malformation type I with associated syringomyelia: A case report
Tai Yo Kim, Cheol Lee, Ji Na Kim
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):166-169.   Published online May 1, 2012
Hypoventilation and hypokalemia in a patient with poor oral intake in the postanesthesia care unit: A case report
Yu Ri Yi, Byeong Mun Hwang
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):170-173.   Published online May 1, 2012
Clinical Research
The effect of Trendelenburg position and pneumoperitoneum on regional cerebral oxygen saturation during gynecological laparoscopic surgery
Yi Jeong Kim, Rack Kyung Chung, Dong Yeon Kim, Youn Jin Kim, Jong Hak Kim, Jong In Han
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):174-177.   Published online May 1, 2012
Case Reports
General anesthesia for cesarean section in a patient with multiple sclerosis: A case report
Yun Sic Bang, Kum Hee Chung, Seok Hwan Choi, Duk Hee Chun, Minsung Kim, Hyeonjeong Yang, Ji Eun Song, Jong Yeon Lee
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):178-180.   Published online May 1, 2012
Epidural anesthetic management of achondroplastic parturient dwarf undergoing cesarean section: A case report
Se Hun Lim, Chee Mahn Shin, Young Jae Kim, Kun Moo Lee, Jeong Han Lee, Kwang Rae Cho, Myoung Hun Kim, Shin Hae Chang
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):181-184.   Published online May 1, 2012
Clinical Researchs
Usefulness of the child health check list compared with the preoperative screening test
Eun Seok Kim, Jin Ho Bae
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):185-191.   Published online May 1, 2012
Preoxygenation in pediatric patients
Seol Joo Jeong, Heeseung Lee, Youn Jin Kim, Jong Hak Kim, Rack Kyung Chung, Dong Yeon Kim
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):192-195.   Published online May 1, 2012
Case Reports
Development of complex regional pain syndrome at independent arm associated with lateral decubitus position: A case report
Joo Eun Kang, Jae Hun Cho, Pyong Eun Park, Yea Ji Lee, Jae Hun Kim, Nam Sik Woo, Hae Kyoung Kim
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):196-199.   Published online May 1, 2012
Anesthetic management of a patient with Lowe syndrome accompanied by end stage renal disease: A case report
Sun Min Kim, Joon Ho Lee, Sung Hwan Cho, Sang Hyun Kim, Won Seok Chae, Hee Cheol Jin
Anesth Pain Med. 2012;7(2):200-202.   Published online May 1, 2012

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