Publisher | ||
Kook Hyun Lee | President of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Seoul National University, Korea | |
Editor-in-chief | ||
Young-Cheol Woo | Chung-Ang University, Korea | |
Associate EIC | ||
Woo-Seok Sim | Sungkyunkwan University, Korea | |
Chong Wha Baek | Chung-Ang University, Korea | |
Editorial board | ||
Hyun Joo Ahn | Sungkyunkwan University, Korea | |
Hyun Sik Chung | The Catholic University of Korea, Korea | |
Jung-Won Hwang | Seoul National University, Korea | |
Seongtae Jeong | Chonnam National University, Korea | |
Hee Cheol Jin | Soonchunhyang University, Korea | |
Jin Yong Jung | Catholic University of Daegu, Korea | |
Dong Yeon Kim | (Ewha Womans University, Korea | |
Sang Tae Kim | Chungbuk National University, Korea | |
Bong Jae Lee | Kyung Hee University, Korea | |
Dong-Kyu Lee | Korea University, Korea | |
Jeong Rim Lee | Yonsei University, Korea | |
Jong Wha Lee | Yonsei University, Korea | |
Byung Gun Lim | Korea University, Korea | |
Hyun Kyo Lim | Yonsei University, Korea | |
Statistics editor | ||
Dong-Kyu Lee | Korea University, Korea | |
Illustrated editor | ||
Yong Beom Kim | Gachon University of Medicine and Science, Korea | |
Manuscript editors | ||
Ji Youn Ha | Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Korea |
Role of editor-in-chief
The editor-in-chief (EIC) has the final responsibility to review and publish manuscripts in the journal independently, although he hears opinions of reviewers and editors. The EIC is the final decision maker on publishing and editorial policies and presides over the editorial board meeting. When any issue on the research and publication ethics occurs, the EIC presides over the ad hoc meeting for resolution of each issue and finally decides on the journal’s statement.
He recommends editorial board members to the President of the Korean Society of Anesthesiology including editors recommended by Eleven subsocieties of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists: Korean Society of Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care, the Korean Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology, the Korean Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists, the Korean Society of Pediatric Anesthesiologists, the Korean Neuromuscular Research Society, the Korean Society of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesiologists, the Korean Society of Transplantation Anesthesiologists, the Korean Spinal Pain Society, the Korean Society of Regional Anesthesia, the Korean Society for Airway Management, and the Korean Society of Geriatric Anesthesia and Pain.
He attends the executive board meeting of the Society to explain the journal’s status and budget.
Role of associate editor-in-chief
Three Associate editor-in-chief help the EIC by screening the submitted manuscript, whether it is compatible with the aims and scope of the journal, conformable to the style and format of the journal, and check for plagiarism using iThenticate. They also participate in selecting reviewers for each manuscript. The associate editors meet with the EIC regularly to discuss the review results and decide on acceptance of manuscripts. They can invite authors for commissioned articles.
Role of editorial board members
Editorial board members (EBMs) meet regularly to discuss editorial policy and propose improvements. They write Editorials or Issues and Perspectives manuscripts, invite colleagues to submit manuscripts, and recommend authors for commissioned articles. EBMs also suggest new reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors-in-Chief make final decisions, while EBMs frequently review commissioned manuscripts and various publication types, such as editorials, errata, corrigenda, retractions, withdrawals, and letters to the editor. However, EBMs who recommend authors do not participate in reviewing those manuscripts.
Ethics editor
The Ethics editor provides consultation and the resolution process on research and publication ethics issue upon referral from the EIC. The Ethics editor also provides lectures related to research and publication ethics issues to reviewers and editorial board members as part of regular education sessions sponsored by the journal.
Statistical editors
The Statistical editors thoroughly review the statistics used in the manuscripts for appropriateness and logical interpretation. If any flaws are found, they will be reported to the EIC or Associate editors and shared with authors for improvement.
Illustration editor
Illustration editor advises the EIC for the illustration of the journal.
Manuscript editor
The Manuscript editor checks the style and format of all manuscripts according to the journal’s guidelines.
Data editor
Data editor handles all tasks related to the data for manuscript and data availability statement.